Monday, May 11, 2009

Biking is sexy

Day two and three Portland :

In the morning we rented bikes , Sam went off to meet some friends of Bills . We road across the bridge (much better than walking ) The ride to forest park was up these massive hills. Once up there we had a view of the entire city, and snow capped Mount Hood. (see pictures). We hiked the trails and winded up back in the test rose gardens. The roses hadn't started to bloom yet, but it was still enchanting and the sun was out, so we lay out in the sun and just took it in.
On the bike ride back we stopped by Powell Books; the world's largest independently owned bookstore in the world. We basically had to hold each other up, there were so many books! The women at the counter gave us some tips on how to visit the store in the future without passing out from over stimulation: Number one, Eat before! So we decided to do just that thing , eat! Back by our hostel we stumbled on a crepe cafe, and had the most delicious crepes known to man. I don't even like crepes! Mine had caramelized onions, bacon, and potatoes, with a creamy sauce.
The next morning I arose early to test out the yoga before we hit the road. I took a hot yoga class, and it was almost as delicious as those crepes!
Leaving Portland was a challenge for us , the city bursts with life and still manages to keep such ease, it felt like home. BUT we had more adventures to meet and had to say our goodbyes!
Whitey (that's the name of our car) had a little trouble getting out of town, but we splurged and got him all new shoes, and hit the road for the Redwoods, CA !